Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP)
The Iraq Foundation (IF) provided 2 half days of training in Erbil for high school and undergraduate student participants in the 2013 Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP).
Widows Empowerment Project (WEP)
From May 12, 2008 to May 12, 2010, The Iraq Foundation (IF) successfully implemented the Widows Empowerment Project (WEP), which provided training to disadvantaged Iraqi widows on a set of skills that will empower them politically and increase their economic independence. As a direct result of this project, As a direct result of this project, IF provided life-changing education and skills training to total of 470 female heads of house (FHH), 200 from Baghdad and 270 from the Basra area. IF also placed 48 widows in Jobs, and provided entrepreneurial training to empower widows to sell locally produced goods in their local markets.