Widows Initiative for Economic Sustainability (WIES)
The goal of the Widows’ Initiative for Economic Sustainability (WIES) was to create jobs for over 500 female heads of household (FHH) and develop business opportunities so that FHH could attain economic independence.
September 2012 - October 2014
Parliamentary Internship Project
The Iraq Foundation implemented a six month UN – Women project beginning in September of 2013 and ending in March of 2014. IF designed and implemented an internship program for 12 young women leaders from Baghdad and the provinces, who will provide support for 12 women members of parliament engaged in women’s issues.
September 2013 - March 2014
Women for Equitable Legislation (WEL)
The goal of the Women for Equitable Legislation (WEL) project was to reinforce the framework of women’s rights by promoting and facilitating stronger and more effective legislation aimed at protecting those rights enshrined in the constitution and in line with international human rights standards.
September 2011 - August 2013
Post Election Democracy Promotion (PEDP) Project
From December 2009 – December 2013, IF carried out PEDP to meet the need for good governance in Iraq during the period following the elections for a new Council of Representatives
December 2009 - December 2013
Empowering Female Candidates (EFC) in Iraq
From February 2013 – August 2013, IF, supported by UN Women, implemented a training program for women candidates in local elections to enable them to participate in upcoming elections with greater confidence and ability to attract votes. Training was be conducted in cooperation with local partners on a variety of constitutional and political topics. IF carried out evaluations of the capabilities of local partners as well as those of the 300 women candidates trained as part of the project.
February 2013 - August 2013