Anti-corruption and Transparency Project I and II
The goal of the ACT-phase II project was to mobilize Iraqi public opinion against corruption and encourage transparency and accountability in government.
Human Rights Defenders Network Project
Under this grant, the Iraq Foundation carried out human rights monitoring, documentation, advocacy, and networking training for 15 Iraqi human rights NGOs. Following the training, the Foundation has established a Human Rights Defenders Network (HRDN) composed of the trained NGOs. The Foundation is currently assisting the members of the Network in public outreach and advocacy on a regional and national level.
July 2006 - April 2008
Pledge for Iraq (PFI) Campaign
IF supported and implemented the pro-democracy Iraq Pledge Campaign to institutionalize the goals of Iraq’s Pledge across the social and political spectrum. The Foundation monitors parliamentary legislation and debates that affect the legislative demands of Iraq’s Pledge. The Foundation also monitored press coverage of the Iraq Pledge Campaign and issues that impact its legislative demands.
March 2006 - May 2008
Iraq Constitution Assistance Project
This project aimed to promote Iraq’s development towards democratization through greater democratic awareness and civic participation in the constitutional process.
July 2005 - February 2007
Human Rights Education Project
This project aimed to spread a basic understanding of universal human rights principles and practices among the people of Iraq.
September 2004 - May 2008